October 20th-31st...Part 4

Well the rest of October wasn't as exciting as the rest of the month with Ingram's birthday, SJ day, and Tebow weekend; but, he here are some pictures to show what he's been up to these past two weeks!

Ingram is still "training" for the "marathon" as he calls it.  He's made it for a mile with the girls and with Daddy too and can even run with lots of booboo's!  This one was when it was right after they got back from their weekend in Oxford and Ingram still had lots of energy...enough to sprint at the end and tease Daddy because he beat him!

"Ha Ha!  You Can't Catch Me!"

Boo Boo's Are For Babies!

This day was pretty fun for the kids!  Madison got inducted in to The National Junior Beat Club at school and we let the little two tag-along and watch it before going to their schools late.  They seemed to be so proud of Madison for a moment and then turned back to the wild and crazy kids we know they are.  I'm not sure the middle school is ready for two Dismuke kids to be there at once next year!

Awe...Look At Those Sweet Loving Siblings!

Wait...Where Did Those Sweet Loving Kids Go??

Libby, Emily, Madison, And Sarah (The Real Middle Schoolers)
Lindsey, Gabby, and Elizabeth (The Pretend Middle Schoolers)
Ingram And Isabelle (The Not So Ready For Middle Schoolers)

From Beta Club At The Middle School To Pumpkin Party In Kindergarten!
Can You Tell He's Ready To Get Up And Play??

No Matter What's Set Up For The Kids To Do, This Is All They Need...Outdoor Space For Tag!

I Caught Him!
One of the things Ingram loves about school is that he gets random days out of school when the girls still have to go to school.  After they were gone, he finally woke up and decided he wanted to play outside in his pajamas so that is just what we did!

Learning New Tricks!

And Getting Ready For Treats...Trick Or Treaters That Is!  He Wanted To Decorate Our
House For Halloween So He Decided To Roll The Bushes.  He's Been Hanging
Around The Girls And Daddy Too Long Talking About Rolling People!

We had a pretty fun weekend, but the only down side was that we were separated again for part of it.  The boys headed off to Dallas to speak at a St. Jude event while the girls stayed home for a soccer tournament.  We managed to squeak in a little birthday happiness between soccer games and before Daddy and Ingram left for the airport that morning.  We had a great time on the soccer fields and at the movies while the boys had a fun time in Dallas; Madison was sure to tell Daddy to stay away from Ebola at least 100 times before they left!

Even Beau Squeezed In The Birthday Picture!

Ingram Was So Excited To Use His Brand New "W15H" Suitcase And Even Helped Pack Himself!
Hopefully There's Decent Clothes In It And Not Just Toys!

Ingram Doing What He Does..Playing Games When He's Not Entertaining The Plane!

This Is The Only Picture Craig Took At The Event And It's A Pretty Typical One For Ingram!
He Loves To Go Around And Pick Things Up After The Program No Matter What It Is.
Tonight, It's Cloth Napkins...Dirty, Already Used Cloth Napkins!

Walking Through The Dallas Airport With None Other Than Mr. And Mrs. Shadyac!

Ingram And Daddy Were Split Up On The Plane Ride Home So Mr. Shadyac Decided To Switch His Seat
And Hang Out With Ingram!  He Has No Idea What He's In For On This Ride...It's A Good
Thing It's A Fairly Short Flight!

Another thing the girls have taught Ingram is how to "Boo" people.  Normally during the month of October, we pack up a bag of treats and candy and leave it on someone's door at night without them knowing.  It started out very innocent with things like pencils and bouncy balls and candy, but has not turned into all of that plus the addition of silly spray.  However, the silly spray isn't in the bucket at the door, it's behind people hiding so that when you open the door, you get sprayed.  This has become a tradition with a few families and Ingram loves to get in on it too.  This year, he wanted to "boo" two of his friends Grey and Daniel, but neither of them were home that night.  Since he had packed the bags all by himself and the girls were gone, he insisted that we go ahead and do it, so we did...minus the silly spray which we will save for another day!

Ingram Running Back To The Car After His Special Delivery!

"Oh Yeah, I Did It All By Myself!"

Another fun this about Kindergarten is being Star Of The Week!  This week is a special and Ingram has a Show and Tell every day, made a poster (with Lindsey's help), and even had special visitors in the classroom!  He did ask if every week could be Ingram week, so we might need to work a little more on that!

Ingram And Mimi Who Just Happened To Be In Town During Ingram's Special Week!

Mimi Reading To The Class After She Had Lunch With Ingram!

The Peaceful Picture!

The Always Necessary Funny Picture!

Ingram's New Show And Tell From His Trip!

"Show And Tell" Should Really Be "Punch And Tell" In This Case!

Ingram's 5th Grade Friends Collin And Calvin Came Down To Read In His Class Too!
And No, Today Was Not Supposed To Be A Matching Day!

Alrighty, now it's finally Halloween and Ingram is soooo excited about Trick Or Treating in his new Ole Miss Football uniform!  Madison is the Cancer Conquering Fairy complete with a matching green tutu and Elites while Lindsey is a Frankenstein Mad Scientist lingering around from Crazy Chemist Day at school!  Could we all just go ahead and agree that the candy should only be around for about a week and move on??  If not, we might just go crazy here at the Dismuke house with all the extra sugar on top of our already energetic kids!!!  But then again, we do love to eat candy!!

Madison has soccer practice and she's supposed to dress up in her uniform...a Cancer Conquering Fairy!  
She also said that her King (Daddy in case you were wondering) needed to carry her since she got hurt!  
And Ingram said his traditional "Whattttttttt????????" followed by "Take a picture Mom!"

"Look Mom!  I'm A Ole Miss Football Player With A Rocket And Spider On My Cheek.
Awe Man, No One Can See It Once My Helmet Is On!"

The Trick Or Treating Gang At The West's House!

"Mom, You Do No Need To Take A Picture.  We Have To Go!"
Yes, That Was Ingram...He Wanted To Catch Up With The Big Kids!

Two very big events are coming up next and we can't wait to tell you all about them!  November is Ingram's Homerun Derby and Birthday Baseball Bash and December is "The Marathon" as Ingram calls it.  If you want to make a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Ingram's honor for either of these events, we would love for you to make a donation through Lindsey's fundraising website.  Her website is www.heroes.stjude.org/lindseydismuke or you could click on the link below if you want to make a donation!

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