Saturday and Sunday May 18th and 19th, More Smiles

Things around here just kept getting better over the weekend!  Ingram had his last T-Ball game Saturday morning and we all had a blast at his game.  He nailed a few hits and ran the bases but of course, he had to stop and make a few dirt piles along the way.  He also caught a ball or two while he was in the field and did better than he had all season long.  His favorite part I think was the team party at the playground after the game was over; he loves playing baseball, but the playground is his favorite place to go...other than St. Jude!  Before Ingram went to the playground to play, he got his first ever Team Picture and his first ever TROPHY!!!  He was so excited about it and wanted to show it to everyone; it's actually still sitting on the kitchen counter so that he can look at it anytime he wants.  It was soooo hot that after playing at the park, we headed home to hit the pool!  Soon, there were more than Dismukes in the pool and the kids were having a blast.  Ingram got out of taking a nap (even though he needed one badly) and headed to go see Mr. Brent for his graduation.  A few hours later, Daddy and Ingram returned and Ingram hopped right back in the pool where he left off with Lindsey. 

By the end of the night, the pool was full of girls and Ingram and they were all having a great time swimming and playing together.  Thankfully, we didn't have any mudslides this go round, but instead they did "stunts" in the pool pretty much the whole time!  We ended up with a few extra girls spending the night and Ingram decided he wanted a sleepover too; he ended up going to sleep in the middle of our bed!  Without his knowledge, he got moved to a pallet on the floor for the rest of the night so that we could sleep without having knees or elbows hit us all night long. 

Sunday morning we headed to church and Ingram was so excited to see his friends!  He even got to go to the "Big Kid" playground and was hot, sweaty, and stinky and super excited to tell us all he did on the playground. The girls were out there too and had fun too, but they're used to the playground so it wasn't a big deal to them.  Once we were done with everything around the house, we hit the pool for some more water fun, only this time is was just us.  The kids played all afternoon with some left over blue latex gloves that they filled with water; they also named the "balloons" and ended up with Lilo 1, Lilo 2, Lilo3, Lilo 4, Lilo 5, and Lilo 6.  I have no idea where that name came from but they seemed to love it for some reason. and they played until we made them come in for showers, dinner, and bedtime.  Bedtime thankfully came easy since they've been playing hard all weekend long which is a good thing for all of us!  They've got to get rested to be able to handle the crazy last week of school because we are ready for summer break!

He Sure Is One Cute Little T-Ball Player!

Talking Trash At Home Plate After Rounding The Bases!
I Know; They Start So Young Now!
That's Ingram On The Left And He Hasn't Touched Home Plate Yet!

The Red Sox Party! 
They Were All Way Too Busy To Pose For A Picture!

Sweaty Ingram With His Coach Kory Right After He Got His First Ever Trophy!

Trying Out The Razor Rip Rider 360  From Meia For The First Time!

Even Beau Went For A Swim!!
Don't Worry, We Took Off His Shock Collar First!

Look At Me!
With A Little Help From Sarah, Emily, And Madison,
Ingram's Ready For Some Stunts!

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