Monday December 12th, A Restful Day!

After the super crazy emotional roller coaster of the past week, it was really nice to not do ANYTHING today!  After we drove Lindsey to school in our pajamas, we both brushed our teeth and then snuggled right back up in the blankets and watched Christmas cartoons for the majority of the morning.  I'm totally okay with being a TV zombie every now and then! 

Ingram was loving having a lazy day too and even put another pair of pajamas on so that he could be extra comfortable as he laid in his "bed" in the back and watched TV with Mommy.  We took naps back there too and it was great; I didn't mean to fall asleep, but I'm certainly not complaining about an extra hour of sleep any day.  The girls got home shortly after I got up, but Ingram was still snoozing away, but not for long.  Homework was light tonight so Ingram and Lindsey colored and watched Transformers together while Madison worked on her stuff and read a book with Christmas music playing in the background.  I love these kind of days! 

Craig and I were able to go to our old Sunday School Class Christmas party, after I had a shower of course, and loved being able to catch up with old friends and just talk about the ups and downs that we've been going through with Ingram and the girls.  I think God planned our emotional meltdown and this party in His perfect timing as we all need a little reminding that there are always people around that are praying and are there for us in any and every way. 

Tomorrow afternoon, we're heading back to St. Jude for a couple appointments, including a Clinic visit.  We're a little nervous about it since we haven't had a regular Clinic appointment in two months, but as usual, Ingram's excited about going to St. Jude to see his friends and "talking Daddy into buying some candy from the gift shop!"

I Love Having All My Ducks In A Row...Literally!!
Lindsey, Then Ingram (covered by his blankets), Then Madison Are All Sleeping Together!
They Love "Camping Out" Upstairs In The Back!! 

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