Thursday April 19, Going Commando

Today started out great...for the first 30 minutes that Ingram was awake.  He woke up happy and was ready to "get a move on" and see his friends at Preschool before we headed to the hospital for the day.  His girls left for school and then I was finishing getting ready so that we could leave and Ingram started acting a little on the whiny side and wasn't his happy self from the previous 30 minutes.  We continued to start to head out to see his class and he started throwing up after I had buckled him up in the car.  He was actively throwing up and I couldn't unbuckle him as he was doing it so we were using his brand new Thomas blanket to catch it all.  He loves taking it with him to ride in the wagon because it's so soft; don't worry Ferebee family, it's all clean now and he's sleeping with it as usual!  I called our clinic and they wanted to see him before starting out at our appointments so we didn't make it to see his class after all.  We saw our nurse and the thought was that it was still the "rebalancing" of everything inside his head that was the culprit.  That made me feel better and we went on to our appointments with Ingram perking up too.  Oh, so in the midst of the vomiting I got a clean shirt from the house, but neglected to realize that his pants and underwear were soaking wet until I pulled him out of his carseat in the parking lot of St. Jude.  That's a mistake I'll not make again; we'll always have a change of clothes ready and waiting with us.  The clinic gave us some pants that were about 4 sizes too big (that's all they could find) so we rolled them at the top and at the bottom.  Daddy would be proud of his little man being excited about going "commando" in the underwear department for the day!  We also ate lunch in the cafeteria with Paula and Alli in between appointments so that was another fun thing.  I say "ate" loosely because while we were eating, Ingram had to go to the bathroom twice within 5 minutes and then the third time he needed to go (just 2 minutes after Paula and Alli left for their next appointment) he threw up in his plate instead.  I'm telling you, it's always exciting being around us; you just never know what will come up...I know, bad choice of words, forgive me.  Okay so now I'm second guessing the rebalancing thing, but we move on to PT and Ingram has on these huge pants.  He starts out of the wagon and what happens?  Yep, his pants fall down and there's no underwear.  I decided to put his wet pants and underwear back on him and then he has a fun time playing basketball, hopscotch, bowling, and a tossing game.  It's hard to watch when he can't do it; I just want to hold his hand and help him do it all.  Knowing that he will get better and that he loves playing with his PT gal makes it easier.  We had a few other appointments and then made it back to E clinic for our appointment with our surgeon.  I told him about the second episode and he had a look of concern on his face (so of course I did too) and sent us straight to have a CT scan.  He was concerned about possible pressure/fluid building up inside Ingram's brain but the scan looked the same as the MRI from Monday.  What a relief!  I was starting to get a little nervous that we might be having another brain surgery and I wasn't exactly fond of that thought.  We were getting our schedule for Friday and received more great news.  Our line placement has been cancelled for tomorrow so not only do we have Friday off, but we also have Monday off!!  We're having pajama day tomorrow ALL day and we're soooo excited about it.  We're watching movies (he's already picked Car and Cars 2) and coloring and playdoh all day long.  So friends if you're coming over, you better be in your pajamas too and we'll have a great day together!

Family Easter Picture at LeBonheur


  1. Enjoy pj day--sounds like you both really need it. We will be praying about what will "come up" in your day. Love you all five and Beau, G'mommy

  2. Praying for your sweet family! I'm so glad you guys started to blog so that we can keep up to date with what's going on! Praying!!
