Monday May 20th, We Hate Mondays!!

The dreaded Monday morning was finally here and on top of having a butterfly land (which is not fun) all of our nurses changed for these two weeks.  Normally nursing changes are fun because we get to meet new people, but with this rotation neither one of us knew any of the nurses...not good!!!  The only face we knew in the sedation area was our Anesthesiologist so Ingram was NOT a happy camper.

Once "Tow Mater" was in, he stayed upset until he was asleep, but thankfully he woke up happy and we went about our day.  And by the rest of our day I mean, we left the hospital to have some fun because other than seeing our clinic appointment, we were finished!  We headed out for Chic Fil A and ended up running into not one, not two, not three, but FIVE families that we knew.  It was so much fun and made our bad morning turn into a great day.  Another good thing from today is that we have 19 more radiation days left and only 3 more Monday pokes that go along with those.  We definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's exciting!!!!

Shark Face With Friends!

Loving Fruit By The Foot...Even Before We Eat Our Chicken!

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