Wednesday May 8th, Not The Best Day

It seems as though Ingram is already tired of going to the hospital and getting the "sleepy medicine" and I don't blame him.  Today was not the best of days for him and he was hungry all morning.  He decided to try and fight the meds today and yelled louder than he did the day he got his first butterfly.  He was so upset that our doctors went ahead and pushed his medicine to knock him out instead of letting his "chilling out" meds kick in.  I think I was just as shocked as he was when they pushed the meds because I like playing with him and singing with him and I wasn't even ready for him to go to sleep yet.

Needless to say with that start, he didn't want to go to the cafeteria and eat ice cream for lunch today.  I even asked him a few times to see if I could change his mind.  They were making superhero capes and his friends were going down there, but my little man wanted to "just go home now."  Poor guy had enough and wanted to leave the hospital.

Thankfully as we drove home, he decided he was hungry and wanted chicken nuggets from McDonald's so of course I stopped there for him.  He had two nuggets, no fries, some apple juice, and a couple of apple slices.  A little later at home, he decided he was hungry again and wanted to eat some of his "baby cereal" which is literally baby cereal that infants; for some reason, he loves the Gerber baby oatmeal cereal and still eats it every now and again.  Today, he had two bowls of it.  Crazy I know!!  I guess if he wants to eat it, I'm going to keep giving it to him since it is good for him and we need all the good stuff we can get down him these days.

We Ended Our Day With Ice Cream After The Girls Had Haircuts.

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