Tuesday May 29, Spiderman Has Entered The Building!

Well it sure was hard to get back in gear this morning!  I had to wake Ingram up at 7:40 so we could be out the door 5 minutes later, but we made it to St. Jude on time.  Ingram did a great job getting accessed this morning and barely cried at all.  He decided to make his butterfly Spiderman this week and has also decided the next two names for his last two butterflies of radiation, but you'll have to wait on those...they're top secret!  The count...14 Radiation Days and 2 Pokey Mondays left!!!

After he woke up from sedation/radiation, we started to notice a rash on both his cheeks.  We rolled on over to our clinic and they're thinking his "radiation rash" is starting to appear so we're treating it so that it doesn't bother him.  Then Ingram decided that he was hungry and wanted some "big chicken" as opposed to "little chicken" and he told me he didn't need me to cut it with a knife since he was a big boy.  Do you see a pattern here?  First he doesn't need his mommy to ride with him on the tube and now he doesn't need me to cut his chicken either.  He's 3 and a half...he still needs me right?

Anyway, we had a great rest of the day and he skipped his nap accidentally!  The people at Target heard him all over the store by the time his lack of sleep kicked in and all I could do was laugh.  Oh well, bedtime for his was 8pm tonight and he went down without a fight!

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